Lynda and I spend a fair amount of time trying to think of workshops, large and small, that people might enjoy. We have come up with a new idea. In this new year we will do a series of workshops where we will do a fairly simple still life, easy enough to draw off with no trouble and develop it in as many ways as they two of us can think of–for instance watercolor on paper, then watercolor on yupo and oil with a brush, then oil with a palette knife.
Why would anybody want to do all these different ways. Many people will say, “I don’t want to try oil or watercolor (whichever is different) until I get what I’m doing mastered. You see I believe changing media is one way to improve what you do. It has always been my method to take one picture and do it several times, in different media or methods. Working in oil teachs you about watercolor?? Well, yes. Anything that broadens you perspecive, the way you look at things, teaches you. You transfer that learning. Besides it’ fun.
My first workshop is Still Life with Palette Knife, something I’ve never done. I will be ready for you when you come.